Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 9 Return to Me for I Have Redeemed You

"I have swept away your transgressions like a cloud, and your sins like a mist.
Return to Me, for I have redeemed you." Isaiah 44:22 (HCSB)

My sister and I found several small locks scattered on the floor under a piece of luggage at a Walmart-type store when we were 6 and 8. We asked our parents if we could take one apiece. They said “no” but we took them anyway. I put mine in my book bag and carried it with me back and forth to school. Although I felt guilty when I first hid my “treasure,” I became satisfied and happy to have it. But one afternoon my mother told me to take my book bag to my room and as I scooped up my bag, the lock fell to the floor. I’d been “caught.” She assured me that I would have to pay for my crime when my Dad got home, and I did.

When I chose to disobey my parents I had the temporary thrill of “getting away” with my disobedience. But my relationship with my parents was hindered by my secret. The day my secret was revealed I was devastated. And until my father got home from work I was very sorry I’d gotten caught. But afterward I actually felt better. No longer was I under the burden of my poor choice or the stress of the cover up that followed. My relationship was restored.

God has already forgiven you for all your bad choices. In Isaiah 44:22 He pleads, “return to Me, for I have redeemed you.” Is your relationship with God all that it can be? Are you hiding any secrets? What might happen if you return to Him in prayer?

Pray—Lord, I don’t want to keep any secrets from You. Search my heart and show me if I am hiding anything that is keeping me apart from You. Thank You for sweeping away my sin and inviting me to return to You.

Blogged by Leighann McCoy

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