And everyone who has left houses, brothers or sisters, father or mother,children or fields because of My name will receive 100 TIMES MORE and will inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first. Matthew 19:29-30 (HCSB)
Pick me, pick me. I want to go first. It’s mine! I was here first! What about me? I have to confess that I make these statements and I hear my children make them, too, and I recognize them sometimes in others as well. As true followers of Jesus Christ we have died to and buried the old sin nature and have spiritually been raised into a newness of life in and through Jesus Christ. But my fleshly “old man nature” continues to scream from the grave, “pick me”, “I want”, “It’s mine”, “I was here first”, what about me”.
As Jesus explains to the disciples about possessions and the Kingdom, He reminds them that the fully devoted followers, leaving behind what the world says is important and of value will receive 100 times GREATER THINGS in His eternal Kingdom. If we truly want to experience greater things personally, in our families and in our church we must die to ourselves and leave behind what the world says to hold on to and follow Christ fully, not acting like the church, but being the church. Each one fully devoted to following Jesus Christ and leaving behind whatever we need in order to do that.
Pray—Heavenly Father, I truly desire your GREATER THINGS in me, my family and my church. Help me to let go of what the world screams is important and use that time, energy, and focus to more closely follow you as a fully devoted follower.
Blogged by Pastor Louis Davis
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